Friday, December 17, 2010

Your mom threw away your best porno mag!

Got your attention didn't I? lol. I was driving this morning, and I heard the Beastie Boys. That line reminded me of something. When I was pregnant with Shane, and we knew we were having a boy, a friend asked us a question. What will you do when he is a teenager and you find porn magazines in his room? My response: THROW THEM AWAY! My husbands response: Tell him to hide them better!! lol. I don't even want to think about it! Not my precious boy!

Sorry I missed some posts. I missed a Shaneyism Sunday and Wordless Wednesday, but I have been very sick! Moms do NOT have time to be sick! I was sick over the holidays last year with pneumonia and pleurisy, and it was rough! Especially with a nursing infant! This time it is double pink eye and a bacterial infection. I have felt rotten! I could deal with the pink eye, it's annoying, I can't see right. I had to throw out my last pair of contacts, and wear my glasses, but I can deal. My throat has been a whole other story! They did a strep test, and said it's not strep. But it has hurt SO bad! I finally today feel somewhat better and human!  So, hopefully I get completely better, and my kiddies don't catch anything! I go back to the opthamologist Monday to check on the pink eye, Then once I know it's gone, off to the eye dr for an exam and new contacts. I feel so ugly in my glasses! I don't know why, I just do. I need new cuter frames, but glasses are so expensive! I see better out of my contacts too, because I am more used to wearing them. So I  am walking around, not seeing clearly, and it is very annoying!

This is a very random post, but oh well. It's my blog! lol. We are almost done Christmas shopping! We have to get one more thing for Saige. Or, we are taking Shane to pick out something for her from him. Then some stocking stuffers and we are done! Woot! I think tonight we may hope in the car and drive around looking at Christmas lights and decorations! And on that final note, time to pick up little man from preschool. Where I almost forgot to take him this morning because I forgot it was Friday! When you're sick, all the days just blend together!

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